Elul is the last month of the Jewish year. During this month we take time to spiritually prepare ourselves for reflection and repentance.
As is with meditation, one must be in the right setting, the right state of mind to truly dive deeply into oneself. We will be asking hard questions and searching for honest answers. When we feel comfortable, that is when we are most trusting.
With this thought of comfort in mind, I offer these recordings of High Holiday melodies that you will hear over and over throughout our services. Becoming familiar with them now will allow you to be comfortable with them at a time when you can lose yourself in thought and find meaning in your prayer.
We look forward to seeing you at services and Leslie and I wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and sweet year.
Shana Tova Um’tukah
Cantor Ilana Plutzer
Avot-Imahot Me
Mi Chamocha